Ways To Recover When Not Feeling Well

Here are some methods that could be of help:

  1. The first thing to do would be to think about physical states… How is your glycaemic index energy? Are you low on energy? Do you need a mental or emotional rest? Do you need any particular vitamins or minerals that you haven’t had enough of? Is there anything physical that you need more of?

  2. How are you spiritually? How is your soul? If you’re tired, it is a good idea to return to your spirit state and wait it out.

  3. A really helpful way to get through complex traumas are to freeze your emotions around something you can’t cope with, and to take it out a 0.1% or 1% at a time. This will mean that you are only thinking about 0.1% at a time.

  4. What do you do with this 0.1%? You scribble it out, you ask what is there, and you take care of it until it heals. It is a really good idea to take big rests between 0.1%s and 1%.

  5. You would then find any -10s to -2s in this 0.1%, and turn them into +4s to +10s. How do you do this? Scribbling is surprisingly effective… you could draw it out… you could

  6. You would then ask, would I like to turn this 0.1% into something +4 to +10, or would I like to heal it and focus on something else? What +4 to +10 would I like to turn it into?

  7. What if you are having an emotional problem in the shorter-term? What could you do? One of the best books that I ever read said that the thing that makes people most unhappy is thinking that life should be easy (usually because of ads for selling products). The most important truth of life is that you can either be unhappy about problems or you can do %s to ethically solve them (in ethical and safe ways please).

  8. For example, human feelings change a lot. Some religions accept this as a core part of their thinking, and say, you can appreciate what all the different emotions are telling you. Feelings are like the clouds in the sky, they come and go.

  9. Another important thing is appreciation. Some people want so many material things that they are never happy. But real happiness comes from satisfaction- limiting your wants and appreciating what you already have. Apparently, the things that make people the happiest over the long-term are actually small things, like appreciating food, appreciating sitting in the sun, appreciating your friends, appreciating your favourite hobbies (preferably +4 to +10 ones only).

  10. In hard times, it also helps a lot to think about the different purposes of life, and to refocus and refocus and refocus and refocus on your +4 to +10 purposes of life… e.g. to become the best you you can be, or to increase your resilience methods, or to go for the 1000000 development goals, or to enjoy life more

  11. You could practice meditation… this is where you count from 1 to 20 and self-soothe…

  12. What about things that bother really raw spots in you, complex unhealed things? Some things trigger a surprisingly strong reaction from you