Economic Solution Stimulators - Page 2
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The 100 Economic Goals- Solutions & Solution Stimulators for the %s
Within a country and within a region, an important but so far impossible to solve economic question is:
How do you get enough income methods sources to cover absolutely everyone, and in a way that makes them happy enough? However, this question is really simplistic, because the reality is- most people spend most of their waking hours in the workplace, and they make a trade-off between income levels and a lot of other things.
In some developing countries, unfortunately, there aren’t enough methods to get to enough income (the most foundational area), let alone everything else. But let’s look at some of the trade-offs for a great working life in the next section. What is missing from this list?
Instead of thinking of it just as how to get enough income sources to cover everyone- although this is the most important and foundational goal, we should look at this economic question as a trade-off between different parts for each person (we will look at problem solving around the important economic solution stimulator of equality as a separate solution stimulator)
The most important ones are at the foundation and work their way up via three groups.
Level 1- Level 10- What soul wants/ doesn’t want in all the hours spent at work and around work. Understanding that there are limited resources to be shared, and that people often get more of this as the years go on if they keep creating the right sorts of resources.
Level 1- Level 10- Actually good for you personally (vs happiness, in the next one)
Level 1- Level 10- Happiness as good feelings, feeling good about work and feeling good in your time outside of work overall
Level 1- Level 10- Opportunities to work on the things that are most meaningful/worthy overall. I have a solution for this, and its that most jobs can’t give this. Doing 0.5 to 8 hours of development work per week is the best way to get to Level 10 with this- if- if- you stick to safe areas and are really careful with preventions.
Level 1 - Level 10- Rightness, feeling like its the right career lifestyle and goals for you at this time and overall… for example, MBTI NTs, NFs, NJs, NPs, SPs, SFs, STs, SJs will have different career goals, career hour to hour and career lifestyles that they want. And each person is also highly unique.
Level 1- Level 10- Hours spent at work, versus hours spent on other things you like doing
Level 1- Level 10- Working conditions
Level 1- Level 10- Ability to purchase medium and lifetime needs, like a house, retirement funds, etc
Level 1- Level 10- Ability to purchase urgent needs like food, rent, utilities
Level 1- Level 10- Because the area above this can be so challenging to solve in some world areas and situational contexts (even if we are going % by %), it might be thought of in an alternative way- the ability to acquire 10-20-30-40-50 kinds of priorities (where some priorities are only applicable to some kinds of people- e.g. people who need certain kinds of medicines).
We could look at the above as 100 building blocks which need to be built up, depending on what has the most need (i.e. too close to -4s to -1s) and on what affects the most people,
These 100 building blocks are Level 1-10 x 10.
The area of: the ability to acquire goods is the most important thing in practical terms.
Some methods and %s are useful for several or many different areas and levels.
The first idea is how to combine this with “every last person”… how does every last person in the world get enough? This question has never been solved before…
We try to solve this for local areas, for regional areas, but we quickly become aware of the amount of win/loses happening- specifically- if our region or country gets more, its because we’re taking away from another area. And if we need it more economically, we should.
(Competition is thoroughly how economics works- increasing competition continually increases the quality of what we buy, continually reduces prices, makes sure that GDP growth stays above 2%, which reduces the risks of recessions.
Competition is, frankly, needed for everyone to get enough and especially, especially, especially- for the overall economic pie to not shrink.
Because this means everyone gets less.
The current system of competition is needed for practical reasons- to prevent recessions and to make sure the overall economic output doesn’t reduce. It’s not a bad thing. The current system is the most effective thing we have- so far. Competition is needed for the economic system to reach its goals for all people)
This section is an extension of the solution stimulators on the left…
Two of the areas from the list on the right are the most foundational- how do create and combine methods for these
Level 1- Level 10- Ability to purchase urgent needs like food, rent, utilities
Level 1- Level 10- Ability to purchase medium-term and lifetime needs, like a house, retirement savings, rainy day savings, travel money
Ability for every last person regionally and worldwide to do this, as well as to create space for
Because the areas above can be so challenging to problem solve thoroughly for some world areas and situational contexts (even if we are going % by %),
it might be thought of in an alternative way for some contexts - the ability to acquire 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 kinds of priorities
where some priorities are only applicable to some kinds of people- e.g. people who need specific kinds of medicines
in complicated country settings, it’s a matter of how to get the economic goals (based on where the need is most, then based on number of people- and politicians tend to do this by necessity based on future voting numbers. But that’s OK- this needs to be problem solved by everyone, not just by some)
And the next level- and the core of this as well- is how do we reach every last person. Every last person. So that everyone is covered, first for these areas then for the economic goals on the right.
And also remembering that people want a lot more things than just economic goals- economic goals and methods might be 40% of the human experience.
Does the above seem difficult to solve? It’s because it is. The question being asked here- specifically- how to solve this for every person, everywhere- has never been solved before in the history of humankind. Therefore, if you don’t get it within a week or month, it won’t exactly be surprising.
Things like this get progressed 1% by 1% by 1%, sometimes 0.1% by 0.1% by 0.1%. You can’t place demands around something like this-
we just keep adding solution stimulators until the 0.1% and 1% move forward- ideally the hardest to solve 0.1%s, although, as we know, this isn’t that easy to do.
Also as a reminder, there are 1000 prioritised development goals and this is one part of this, not the whole thing. Everybody is unique.
You could protect your mental health by putting the focus on allocated time, time goals, increasing effectiveness, etc- i.e. focusing on inputs and effectiveness. For example, as one goal, I have put about 10 solution stimulators on this page, with the goal of solutions moving forward.
If it hasn’t been solved in full throughout the history of humankind, it will take longer than a month to solve and will most likely move forward 1% by 1%, unless we’re working on the harder %s. Every 0.01% is move forward.
This has never been solved properly before in history, even if it is one of the most important things that needs to be solved, and is one of the economic questions that we often can only move forward on 0.1% by 0.1% at a time. But when we solve it- 0.1% by 0.1% at a time… we solve incredibly important things.
There is another layer to this as well- although the above is the most urgent. The Levels shown on the right represent equality/inequality of the 40% economic goals. As the methods build up, we cover the two areas above, and then more and more of the priorities to the right. Implementation is important- but you need to know what to implement (and what not to) beforehand. So every 0.1% counts.
When we look at the 90 things on the right, we create methods that make more and more building blocks stronger and more effective (for example, the ability to create careers that people actually like and that fit their interests, personality and well. Because this hasn’t really designed on a worldwide scale before.
But the above two goals are the most important- a lot of people dont have enough food. Why am I expecting a +7 out of +10 worklife when all these people don’t have enough food? It’s the same thing when people who have only ever been in +7s and +8s say that a +5 is the worst thing ever.
The above two goals for the entire population are the most important- enough income- to purchase what you need, and for challenging country contexts, the additional ability for people to acquire the priorities, which in these contexts is created by many groups working together.
Make it stand out.
Dream it.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Build it.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Grow it.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.