Developing Countries and Export Specialisations

Export Solution Stimulators

The final solutions for international trade and equality seem highly connected…

Export Solution Stimulators

If you want to increase exports for your country, have a look at the historical data section in this website- shows what quantities of exports and imports are occurring the most for each country and countries in your region:

The solution stimulator for this is to look at the most recent data (and historical data) for this for your country neighbours, region, similar countries, and countries of potential- it can be really surprising and the visual format is very useful.

You can also look for regional patterns, although you need to compare total volumes rather than percentages.

At the end of the day, what you are able to produce (now and in potentiality) is what you are able to produce. However- this show what products are more likely to be bought, because these are the goods that are being traded in the highest volumes.

And again, it can be surprising.

More solution stimulators for most frequent current and potential exports include:


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