What you could do if you’re feeling unwell…

If you’re not feeling well, what are things that you can do to feel better?

How do you do this… what are ways to keep refocusing on +5 to +10 to dos?

At hard times, how do you refocus and refocus and refocus and refocus on +5 to +10 to do priorities, even if one at a time?

  1. The best thing is to refocus and refocus and refocus on ethically +5 to +10 to dos

  2. This is because you work on increasing the good instead of long-term bad karma

  3. What are ethical +5 to +10 to dos to focus on? What are ethical +5s to +10s for the long, medium, short term? When you do good, good returns to you… not always, but often

  1. I found this mental health method was particularly helpful… I invented it… to draw squares on a piece of paper and write from 1 to any number on the top right, e.g. 5… You then scribble out any feeling that is bothering you, whether in one scribble or lots of scribbles, and when you feel like it, cross out a number on the top right

  2. For example, I could scribble out the feeling that is bothering me in 12 tries, and tick around 4 numbers for this… or 12…

  3. And when I’m scribbling, ask Please move this feeling to Goodness, The Good, whatever this is… whatever this is… it is probably letting people be themselves and finding lots of safe, ethical, nice ways to magnetise sooner to +5 to +10 ethics

  4. However, to avoid scribbling out motivation feelings, although if toxic feelings (e.g. hate, anger), then sounds like they won’t increase good things

  5. Lots of people are like emotional mirrors… if you spend time with them, you mirror their top 5 things… this is why you need to consciously choose your social media a little bit… I was so influenceable when I was little that I did a scrapbook of intentional influences so I could feel certain ways… I then learned that this was a completely impossible goal so if you focus on really good causes instead, this is the only way, and learned that being overly controlling of influences will make you unhappy…

  6. You can feel any way you want if you simply practice feeling like that 500 times… its practice and meditation… or you could scrapbook it… its way cheaper

  7. For example, I could scribble out the feeling that is bothering me in 12 tries, and tick around 4 numbers for this… or 12…

  8. And when I’m scribbling, ask Please move this feeling to Goodness, The Good, whatever this is… whatever this is… it is probably letting people be themselves and finding lots of safe, ethical, nice ways to magnetise sooner to +5 to +10 ethics

  1. When I was doing my Masters Degree in International Development, which was really expensive, I did a subject that encouraged you to experience the world through the person with the problems perspective… the subject was really interesting but I had to completely stop doing development problem solving for 14 months afterwards because I became so sensitised…

  2. From this, I learnt the profound importance of boundaries, and I learnt it the really hard way… If a person is suffering, you can’t help them if there is twice the suffering because you are experiencing it too…

  3. It helps to try and move them from A to B in good, helpful ways, and if you can’t, or other people can help more, then to stay within where you can contribute with positive improvements.

  4. What helps the most is to choose topics within your mental health boundaries, and choose things within your abilities, then try to help them move from A to B in __ ways, and in ways that try to not hurt other people.

  5. There are millions and millions and millions and millions of development goals.

  6. So the answer was, after a lot of years, to allocate specific times, then set boundaries

  7. When I was working on one country years ago, their problems were so painful to me that I thought… it is profoundly important to learn your individual mental health profile, and to skip or skim topics, pages, paragraphs, etc.

If any of my methods have helped, can you please move towards staying within +5 to +10 ethical, and safely, safely, safely encouraging at-risk people to stay within +5 to +10 ethical forever?

These methods are how we create a long-term good, growing, safe world where we keep moving towards the international millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of different international development goals.

And getting all smarter people to >>>safely, ethically magnetise to forever +5 to +10 ethics



Please have a skim through for more mental health supports